


Volvo Car Japan opened “Volvo Studio Tokyo” in April 2023 as a new branding base specializing in EVs.

We were in charge of the production and direction of the installation work “TIME,” which was shown exclusively at the opening reception.

The installation features six LED screens on the ceiling of the store, each with a beautiful gradation of light like an aurora borealis, and sound synchronized with the light drifting through the space.

The installation expressed the transition of “time” from Volvo, a company that has manufactured safety-oriented gasoline-powered vehicles since its establishment in 1927, to a company representing Sweden, a country with advanced sustainable technologies, that has set a goal of converting all of its models to pure EVs by 2030.

Volvo Car JapanがEV(電気自動車)に特化した新たなブランド発信拠点 として“Volvo Studio Tokyo”を2023年4月に開店



1927年の設立から安全性を追求したガソリン車を製造してきたVolvo が、サスティナブル先進国スェーデンを代表して2030年までに全モデル純EV化を掲げるまでの「時間」の推移を表現しました。

Co producer: Ryuta Iwai
Creative Direction: Tatsuro Shio
Motion graphics / programming: RICH&MIYU
Sound Design: Setsuya Kurotaki