About RGB

RGB is a scenography group led by Theatric Director Tatsuro Shio.

We have been involved in a wide range of comprehensive scenography from underground to modern art, including fashion shows, concerts, and brand launch events, based on the concept of “Obscure, Site-specific, and Hypnotic”. Through light and objects, We provide visitors with a one-of-a-kind experience.

Company Name: RGB creation Inc.
Established: December 2007
CEO / President and Executive Officer: Tatsuro Shio
Capital: 3 Million JPY
Head Office: 2-27-2 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0011
Studio: 1-1-5 Mishuku, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0005

RGB は、演出家・四尾龍郎が率いる空間演出集団。


社名: 株式会社 アールジービークリエーション
設立: 2007年12月
代表取締役 社長執行役員: 四尾龍郎
資本金: 300万円
本社: 東京都渋谷区東2-27-2
スタジオ: 東京都世田谷区三宿1-1-5
